The Iceberg Whale Pass Fishing Report
The Iceberg Whale Pass Fishing Report and Photo Essay
“Pet eagles” seems like a foreign concept to most people, and certainly the Lodge at Whale Pass doesn’t have any. There are a LOT of eagles around here though- it is not unusual to see 20 birds in one area either soaring or perched. They fly by and over the Lodge constantly. I was able to get some photos during a walk this week.

This is the nearest store to us.
As was stated last week, halibut fishing has been nothing if not consistent. In southeast Alaska they have a reverse slot limit. Any halibut smaller than 44 inches in length is legal to keep. Any halibut over 74 inches (I think) is also legal to keep. Any in between those two lengths must be released unharmed, however. The bag limit is one halibut per angler per day.
Capt. Don Askew and my son Alex had a trip out this week and had a halibut in the 250 pound range next to the boat. In spite of their best efforts the fish escaped.
We are still targeting fish in the 40 inch range and have been doing well on almost every trip.
The fishing for silver salmon at Neck Lake Outlet is still flat out stoopid. Most of our anglers who go over there get a limit of six fish. The Mepps Flying C, Blue Fox, and Vibrax spinners have all been effective, as has the Pixie spoon. Fly fishers have been using a chartreuse Clouser Minnow to deadly effect.
I did not get to go trout fishing this week. I haven’t touched a fly rod in over a week. It makes me sad, in a minor way.

One of the mountains the LeConte Glacier flows from.
Tuesday the Lodge ran a trip to the LeConte Glacier, up near Petersburg, a two hour run from here each way. This glacier is the southernmost tidewater glacier in the United States. While I did not get to see the glacier itself, I certainly did get to see many of the icebergs that break off from it at this time of year. It is a fantastic place. The light was incredible for photography. I will let the photos speak for themselves.

When we got there this iceberg was high and dry.

Water reached it as the tide came up.

One of our guests paddled through the arch at high tide.

Kayakers enjoy paddling around the icebergs.
And that is this week’s Iceberg Whale Pass Fishing Report from the Lodge at Whale Pass.
Life is great and I love my work!
Life is short. Go Fishing!
John Kumiski
All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2014. All rights are reserved.