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Fishing Report from the Lodge at Whale Pass

Whale Pass Fishing Report Pagans everywhere! Celebrate the summer solstice! Here at Whale Pass we celebrate such holidays by fishing, of course. Morning view from the Lodge at Whale Pass. Our only guests this week were Linda Stern and her…

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Welcome to the New Site

Tim and Kathy Marker from Media Kitchen have got our new web look and design up and running. Enjoy strolling through all the information and pictures. For those of you thinking about joining us for the first time in Alaska,…

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2011 Pictures

Some great shots were captured this year at the lodge and we'll be uploading a lot of them in the coming weeks.  For now, he's a sneek peak:  

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Another Great Season Comes to an End

What a fantastic summer.  We enjoyed sharing Southeast Alaska with the perfect balance of old friends and new guests.  The summer provided us with some of the best fishing and the most prolific wildlife sightings ever.  Whales were everywhere.  The…

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Wolves at Rancho La Whale Pass

The lodge was honored to host a pioneer in the destination travel business, Deborah Szekley, owner of the world famous Rancho la Puerta spa resort. Enjoying her ninth decade traveling the world, Deborah has lived a remarkable life, co-founding the…

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Chitty Chitty Bang Barroll Brown

The Lodge at Whale Pass did it again. We presented the forum for yet another family to find a true respite from a crazy world. And this time, it was for a couple who does a pretty good job seeking…

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A Lawyer Walks Into a Power Company

Our hometown of Atlanta graced us yet again this summer with a visit from one of the nicest couples the town has to offer, or at least of those that we had yet to meet.  Ed Addison and Kay Demming…

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